Website: Harrisburg Holiday Parade
Season: Annual event in November (week before Thanksgiving)
Costs: Free
Expected Length of Stay: 2 + hours (get there early to get a good spot)
Recommended Ages: All ages
I never paid much attention to this parade but this year I decided we would go. I think it was the warm November weather that made the difference.
We only lasted through the first hour. It's an excellent parade but the boys just weren't up to 2+ hours of parade yet. The older one was sort of overwhelmed by the crowd and the younger one hates to sit still.
The crowds weren't too bad but people still managed to annoy me. We found a spot and 15-20 minutes later two people show up with big chairs expecting us to move over since they said they were there but they had to go back to their car. Um, no. I may not go to many big parades but I believe parade viewing rules follow the general rule of 'move your meat, lose your seat'. I wasn't budging. We were only taking up one prime viewing spot as it was (the stroller - a small one). If we moved at all, the kids would lose their view completely and as I said, we were there for 15-20 minutes.
Then a drunk woman (at 10:30AM!!) showed up. She wasn't really all that obnoxious but her mouth didn't stop moving once she showed up. Yap yap yap.

I can tell you that the first hour had plenty - balloons, floats, excellent marching bands, military, motorcycles, local celebrities, classic cars, candy and other treats for the kids. I can only imagine that the second hour was even better.
I hope we have warm weather again next November.
Please add your comments regarding this activity or let me know if you have any questions about it that I might be able to answer.
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